Cycle Shepway is a pressure group composed of cycle enthusiasts who campaign for improvements to the cycling infrastructure across Folkestone, Hythe and Romney Marsh.

Cycle Shepway is one of several groups embraced by Spokes, the long-established campaign charity that has done so much for cycling in East Kent.  We give our wholehearted support to the SPOKES: East Kent Cycling Campaign ( that aims to:

  • To encourage cycling and publicise its benefits for the community and for individuals.
  • To ensure that local authority and government policies actively encourage cycling and make full provision for it as part of an overall transport strategy.

We are a properly constituted campaign group and our constitution can be found below on this webpage.

Cycle Shepway: 10 Years On

To cycle or not to cycle. That is the question

CySy aimed to change this situation by campaigning for a safer environment for cyclists through the creation of a cohesive, useful network of cycle paths, and by promoting cycling as a viable transport option for everyday journeys to school, to work, to the railway station and shops etc as well as a safe and enjoyable leisure activity.

There is still a very long way to go, but progress has been made. We have links with Sustrans and with Spokes and (we) are involved with the Kent Cycle and Active Travel Campaign Group.  From the start the group was supported and encouraged by Kent Highway Services but by only very few of our local councillors.

We achieved our first major objective in 2011 when a Cycling Plan for Shepway was agreed by Kent County Council and its Joint Transportation Board with Shepway District Council, which set out a five-year strategy to make cycling in the area easier and safer. You can download a PDF copy of the Shepway Cycling Plan 2011 below:

Since then the situation has gradually improved and a KCC councillor now represents our views on the KCC/FHDC Joint Transport Board. Most importantly, we are now encouraged and supported by FHDC and Kent Highway Services. With the appointment of a local authority Cycling Champion, we have great hopes of working together with Folkestone & Hythe District Council towards to realise our goals.

During the first decade since we got properly organised, we have had some significant successes:

Rhona Hodges & David Taylor at the 'Bell-Stop' Campaign Sandgate Festival
Rhona Hodges & David Taylor at the 'Bell-Stop' Campaign Sandgate Festival
Cycle stand on Cheriton side of line at Folkestone West station
Cycle stand on Cheriton side of line at Folkestone West station
  • A shared-use path – the Folkestone Central Cycle Path – from Folkestone’s Harvey Grammar School to the Leas via Earls Avenue incorporating an existing designated cycle path was completed in 2019
  • The existing Park Farm cycle path has been resurfaced
  • To facilitate access to the harbour area cycling is now allowed in both directions on Tontine Street
  • Covered cycle stands have been installed at both Folkestone Central and Folkestone West railway stations encourage cycle use
  • FTC funding enabled the installation of 33 Sheffield cycle stands in Folkestone and Cheriton which demonstrates that cyclists are welcome
  • Road Traffic Order prohibiting lorry parking in the main Kingsmead entrance to the Academy improving safety for children cycling to school via this route
  • Sheffield cycle stands and stencilled cycle ‘route’ installed at Three Hills Sports Centre
Cycle stands and stencilled cycle path at Three Hills Sports Centre 1
Cycle stands and stencilled cycle path at Three Hills Sports Centre 1
Cycle stands at Three Hills Sports Centre 2
Cycle stands at Three Hills Sports Centre 2
Stencilled cycle route through Three Hills Sports Centre
Stencilled cycle route through Three Hills Sports Centre
Cllrs John Collier on the left an Peter Gane on the right who funded installation of Cycle stands at Cheriton Library
Cllrs John Collier on the left an Peter Gane on the right who funded installation of Cycle stands at Cheriton Library
Dropped kerbs the length of Cherry Garden Avenue
Dropped kerbs the length of Cherry Garden Avenue
Gap in fencing links Morrison’s with safe, off-road cycle route through Three Hills Sports Ground
Gap in fencing links Morrison’s with safe, off-road cycle route through Three Hills Sports Ground
  • Cycle stands installed on Granville Parade, Sandgate
  • Sheffield stands installed at Sainsbury’s and former B&Q at Park Farm following campaign for cycle parking at local supermarkets
  • Input to Folkestone & Hythe District Council’s Core Strategy, Places and Policies Local Plan and planning applications to integrate cycling in the district’s future transport policy and secure adequate provision for cyclists in new developments etc
  • ‘Quick wins’ suggested by CySy that have been implemented include:
  • Dropped kerbs the length of Cherry Garden Avenue allowing for traffic-free cycling on this narrow, busy road
  • A gap in the boundary fencing at Morrisons new carpark provides easy access to off-road cycle path through Three Hills Sports Ground

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to encourage the growth of cycling in the area, to expand cycling infrastructure, to carry forward projects sympathetic to our cause and to help determine policies. We want safer cycling, with off-road routes, cycle lanes on shared roads, better ancillary facilities including more cycle stands and a connected network that links together the fragmented paths and lanes we have at present. Cyclists need safe and well defined routes, and we aim to continue to improve the cycle network and signage across the area.

Working in partnership with our local authorities, Cycle Shepway can help to raise funds to finance cycling projects and campaigns such as our vision for a coastal cycleway from Folkestone to Dungeness, which one day we hope will become part of a safe, dedicated, high-grade coastal cycleway linking all the former Cinque Ports.

Cycle Shepway believes even minor improvements will trigger an increase in journeys by bike – to school, station, shops and work.  As well as healthy exercise, more cycling will ease family fuel costs and rush-hour congestion.

The task of Cycle Shepway is to turn hopes into realities and our voice must be heard.  When people feel we have a safe and useful network, everyday cycling will take off and leisure cycling, already in resurgence, will boom.

Our committee

Vaughn Horsman - CYSY Chairman
Vaughn Horsman - CYSY Chairman
Steve Burton - CYSY Deputy Chairman
Steve Burton - CYSY Deputy Chairman
CYSY founder Jean Baker (right)
CYSY founder Jean Baker (right)
Alan Joyce - Treasurer (right)
Alan Joyce - Treasurer (right)
Committee members Jean, Rhona and Alan alongside MP Damian Collins
Committee members Jean, Rhona and Alan alongside MP Damian Collins
Paul Rees - CYSY Committee Member and Supporter of Spokes, the East Kent Cycling Campaign Group
Paul Rees - CYSY Committee Member and Supporter of Spokes, the East Kent Cycling Campaign Group

For many years, Cycle Shepway has also benefitted from a considerable amount of time, energy and cooperation from various members who unfailingly attend meetings and make valuable contributions. Mention should also be made of Joe Grey, former deputy chair and good friend of CySy, who did great work on the Cinque Ports Cycleway.

Great thanks are also due to Peter Phillips, Tony Gilbert and the Town Sprucers Team for preventing the cycle routes and footpaths in the area from disappearing into the undergrowth!

Town Sprucers - path clearing
Town Sprucers - path clearing
Town Sprucers - path clearing
Town Sprucers - path clearing
Town Sprucers - Path clearing
Town Sprucers - Path clearing
Town Sprucers - Path clearing
Town Sprucers - Path clearing
Peter Phillips - Town Sprucer
Peter Phillips - Town Sprucer
Peter Phillips & Town Sprucer Team
Peter Phillips & Town Sprucer Team

Cycle Shepway also benefit from the unflinching cooperation of Folkestone &Hythe District Council (F&HDC)

In particular, thanks are due to Cllr Stuart Peall, the Cycling Champion for F&HDC, for supporting us and the work we do.

Cllr Stuart Peall, F&HDC's Cycle Champion
Cllr Stuart Peall, F&HDC's Cycle Champion
Friends from CySy at the 'Bell-Stop' Campaign, Sandgate Festival
Friends from CySy at the 'Bell-Stop' Campaign, Sandgate Festival

Our Constitution

The group’s name is: CYCLE SHEPWAY (CYSY)

  1. Aim:
  2. Raise the profile of cycling in Shepway District
  3. Improve conditions for cycling in Shepway District
  • Work with other groups and organisations, including local authorities, to achieve
  1. these aims
  2. Membership:
  3. Membership is open to anybody who is interested in the aims of CYSY
  4. Membership lasts for 12 months
  • The Committee will keep an up-to-date membership list
  1. The Committee may expel any members provided it is in the interest of CYSY to do so. They will, however, be given the right to be heard by the Committee
  2. before a decision is made. They will also have the right for a friend to be present
  3. Annual General Meeting (AGM):
  4. The AGM must be held every year, with 14 days notice of the agenda given to all
  5. members;
  • There must be at least ten members present at the AGM;
  1. The Committee shall present the annual report and accounts for the year;
  2. Any member may nominate themselves for election to the Committee before or
  3. on the date of the AGM
  • Every member has one vote
  • Members shall elect between four and ten members to the Committee. They will
  1. retire at the next AGM and may stand for re-election
